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LinkCom (联宝电子)

LinkCom (联宝电子)

变压器领航者 LinkCom联宝电子

成立于1988年的LinkCom联宝电子,主力产品为LED Power Driver与AC-DC power supply,以及各种电源变压器、通讯变压器、网路变压器、脉冲变压器及滤波器。多年来致力于提供高品质及高效率的产品与服务,深获客户一致好评 。


1994年LinkCom联宝电子于深圳成立中国分公司及中国工厂,员工数为120人;1997 年扩迁至​​东莞市企石镇,员工300人;1999 年成立东莞二厂并增设电源模组及高压变压器生产线,员工增为700人; 2002 年成立东莞三厂大量生产网路变压器,单月产量达3KKpcs,2012年度LED电源供应器生产量已达每月200K的规模,人员扩编达800人。


LinkCom联宝电子东莞新厂于2008年7月落成。占地50亩, 位于东莞市东部科技工业园区;交通便利,设施完善。全厂增购自动化生产,强化ROHS ( Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive ) 控管,提供华南、华东、华北及全球客户更优质的产品与服务。

研发/ 销售/ 运筹/ 服务网行销全球

LinkCom联宝电子以”行销全球”理念,于1998年成立美国公司于加州尔湾市,并于2012年迁移办公室于洛杉矶市负责变压器元件、电源模组的市场销售和新产品技术发展。 2000年总公司迁址新北市新店区,2004年设立电源模组研发和通讯设计研发部门。同年成立设计验证中心于台湾;以建立产品品质的可靠度验证。 2012年度建立电源模组之专案管理系统与健全产品可靠度测试系统,以验证产品的品质及稳定性。

LinkCom Manufacturing Co. Ltd, the leader in transformer industry.

Established in 1988, LinkCom has developed its core products from a variety of telecom transformer such as xDSL, LAN, and Power transformers to advanced products, LED power supplies. For decades, LinkCom has been focusing on providing high efficiency and quality products and customer services, which helps LinkCom earn a great reputation worldwide.

Sales revenue grows steady every year

In 1994, LinkCom established its first branch office and manufacturing facility in Shenzhen, China with total of 120 workers. Three years later, we moved and expanded to Dongguan with 300 employees. Moreover, the second factory was built up, which added two more production lines for power modules and high-voltage transformers and 400 professional operators.
In 2002, LinkCom established its third manufacturing plant with total of 800 dedicated employees to maximize production capacity to 3 million pcs/month for xDSL transformers.

Brand new factory in 2008

In July 2008, LinkCom integrated all three manufacturing facilities together and relocated the factory in Dongguan East Technology industrial Area. The size of the new factory complex covered more than 50 acres. Also, LinkCom added automatic production equipment and enhanced ROHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) control. As the result, LinkCom possessed the capability of providing superior products and services to the South, East, and North of China and to the world.

“Global Brand” from R&D, Sales, Strategy, Customer Service, to Marketing

The LinkCom’s “Global Brand” concept started from the establishment of the first U.S branch office located in Irvine, California in 1998, then moved to Walnut, California and officially established “LinkCom USA” in 2012. LinkCom USA takes responsible for sales, marketing, and new product development for both telecom magnetics and LED power supply units.
LinkCom’s headquarter relocated in Xindian District, New Taipei City in the year of 2000. In 2004, LinkCom officially divided the R&D department into two business units, LED power module business unit and telecom magnetics business unit. In the same year, the design review center was also established for the verification of product quality and reliability control. In 2012, project management system and product reliability system was set up for the enhancement of higher quality and reliability of LinkCom products.

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